
A tribute to the life
and legacy of

A. E. Clarkson

Quick Notes and Thoughts

Quotes from AE Clarkson in the context of labour and capital relations around the 1929 Depression.
These are culled from his notes. See “Published articles and speeches” for more insights.  


Free enterprise is a wonderful system for the production of wealth and for the multiplication and cheapening of commodities. it

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Communism carries this socialist idea to its logical conclusion, abolishes private property and ownership altogether and makes every citizen a

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They understand the implication of Free-trade and Protection. They know that efficiency is vital to prosperity, that adequate schooling, management,

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An Employer’s power is enormous and ought to have risen in nobility by refusing to abuse power and privilege.

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Trade Unionism

Trade Unionism in its early history was a hard struggle against great odds. But howling against capitalism will not bring

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The idle rich

Current failures include ‘idle rich’ which is abuse of privilege and an indifference to human elements. Too concerned with dividends

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