
A tribute to the life
and legacy of

A. E. Clarkson

The idle rich

Current failures include ‘idle rich’ which is abuse of privilege and an indifference to human elements. Too concerned with dividends and property rights which prevail against human rights.


Profiteering is unjust return by combination or monopoly. It is as dishonest as a taking a full day’s pay for half a day’s work. Both are bad ethics and bad morality.


Talk against profit is sheer nonsense. Profits are the reward of foresight and judgment or the intelligent taking of risk or of lending to others of your own substance in order that some new ideal or process may be more available for more people.


Competition is an honest emulation resulting in improving products and production methods in the interest of progress which is the lifeblood of an economy. To merely crush competition is wrong. It is fashionable to rail against capitalism. But we need to analyse and compare theories and facts. We need to understand and answer what leads […]


Economic activity is only one sphere of human activity, there are other values, moral and mental of greater moment.

Work ethic

Our problem is that there are many that don’t want to work hard. The standard of work for the rich is not high and there are far too many drones. And it is still the policy of the Trade Unions to restrict output in fact if not in theory.


The basic idea of socialism is an attractive one; that the whole community should own the natural resources of the country.  And that the main means of production, distribution and exchange should be such that no individuals should make fortunes out of the necessities of the people.  But how does socialism deal with the competition […]